By: Angel Aceveda
"What is social bullying? Social bullying is done with the intent to hurt somebody’s reputation, relationships or social standing. It could include spreading a story to damage someone’s reputation or having others ignore or threaten a friend. This type of bullying is most common among girls, but can certainly happen with guys as well. What are the components of social bullying? First, there is an unfair use of power. Second, it is intentional with the purpose of hunting someone.Lastly, it is repeated over time.
For those who are truly being mistreated by others, bullying can intensity already serious problems such as depression, suicidal thoughts, self-injury, alcohol or drug abuse and violence. If any these issues arise, it’s important to get some help and guidance from other. Learn how to navigate social groups and make friends. We should not be affected on what others might say to us, because we know ourselves more than they do.
According to Ziad K. Abdelaour, “you are only going to be as good as the people you surround yourself with so be brave enough to let go of those who keep weighing you down. It only means that we need to be strong to handle the pain and nothing really matters when it comes to others opinion. If we still experiencing this kind of bullying, we have to see the brighter side of life".
By: Angel Aceveda
"According to Malcolm, “the media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. It is because they control the minds of the masses.” This is one thing that I’ve learnt on my Media and Information Literacy journey. Upon using media which have been developed as part of basic modern education, being wise and critical thinkers is a must, so we are also able to separate fact from opinion. Media and Information Literacy also taught me that it’s not just about the knowledge that we’ve learned or even building up, but it is also about applying it to the real world.
Another best thing about M.I.L is those experiences that I kept in my mind and heart. One of these is the symposium were I become one of the speaker and I discoursed the seriousness of cyber bullying. That symposium was so memorable for me, because at first I was nervous of what might happen after all. But I am so glad that it become successful and I enjoyed it. For an instance, Sci- Ma- Tech also taught me that as a modern youth, technology has a big impact in our daily lives, were contestants also promote media awareness and the development of internet to combat misperception. I’ve learnt that media is becoming a big part of my life now, and I am thankful because I know that it is going to be helpful and useful for me now or even in the future
Therefore, I conclude that M.I.L is really important not just for me as a millennial, but also for every individual. Those experiences and lessons will not just be kept in my heart and mind but I’ll be also applying it as modern youth. As a responsible media user, I’ll be the one who will spread facts, truth and not fake news using any form of media."
By: Angel Aceveda
"What is gender equality? How is it important to have equality when it comes to gender? Gender equality is achieved when women and men are equally valued or even favored when it comes to their needs, decision- making and opportunities. It is important to have gender equality so women and men are able to have the same rights and opportunities across all sectors of society. As an individual, we have to make sure that we don’t belittle any gender.
We are lucky because in our country, any gender are equally treated, they know that women can do what men’s do and vice versa. If we will go back to the old days, women are used to do household chores or they have to take care of their children. Men are the one responsible in any occupations, because they think that women are too weak to do what they can do. We have to empower all women and girls, for example is the equal access to education between girls and boys. Therefore, we need to respect every individual and gave them an equal right.
Last time I’ve watched news, I saw a women crying because of her husband who hurt her physically and emotionally. It was so sad to know that there are still cases like this, were women and girls are usually the victim. The violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread and devastating human rights violations in our world today. Women and girls experienced different violence like domestic and family violence, sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, femicide, trafficking in human beings and sexual and economic exploitation. We all have differences, but we should remember that women’s right are human rights once and for all."
By: Angel Aceveda
"Teenage pregnancy is one of the most common, current, and serious issues here in the Philippines. Teenage age pregnancy is a pregnancy in a female under the age of 20. It is also known as adolescent pregnancy which is filled with many challenges. Being pregnant at a young age especially if it is unexpected and undesirable can put huge stress on a young woman and to her family. The best thing to do if this happened is to help her make the wisest choice for her at this time. It is important that young women are given adequate information about all their pregnancy options for them to be able to make decision.
Teenagers must have a comprehensive understanding of abstinence, contraceptives techniques, and consequences to prevent teenage pregnancy. To be honest, there are many different techniques to prevent adolescent girl from becoming pregnant, the only thing which is absolutely effective is the sexual abstinence. Abstinence has been viewed as a decision based upon a religious or moral belief. Although abstinence remains the best way to prevent teenage pregnancy, it is a fact that there are still large numbers of them who are involved in sexual relations. Youths must be conscious of the harsh realism of raising a baby and the undesirable effects that an unintended pregnancy can cause in both the mother and the child’s lives.
Juveniles have higher rates of difficulties when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth, and are at higher risk of postnatal depression. When bare to such information about the results of an unplanned pregnancy, teens are required to evaluate whether sex is worth the risk of forever changing their lives, and those of their future children. Just remember that no matter how young or old you are, relationships are constantly tremendously important, and most people find it necessary to stay active socially."