By: Rose Ann Como
"Emotions means thoughts, feelings, behavioral responses and a degree of displeasure. It is often entertained with moody temperament, personality, disposition and motivation. It also defined as a positive and negative experiences that a person experiences. Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. It may repeated or has the potential to be repeated over time. They are different kind of bullying such as verbal, social and physical.
Emotional bullying is one of the types of bullying. It is not just seen on the playground, it is seen in adult relationship and workplace too.
Sometimes everyone remember from their childhood and when a person tries to get what they want by making others feel angry or afraid. Emotional bullying have a different effects to a person who bullied; they are depress, low self-esteem, shy and poor academic/job performances. Those effects really affect the behavior of a person bullied. The impact of that effect was so hard to change some bullied person want to their lives because of that emotional bullying. They don't even know how to escape to that experiences. Bullying may happened after school hours, sometimes to the school building and a significant percentage also happens in the places like on the playground on the bus and can also happen travelling to/from school in the youth's neighborhood on ,and on the internet.
Nowadays, all youth are prone to internet. As an individual we all have different way of to show our feeling some times to our friends but majority to the internet like facebook. That kind of social media help us to feel comfort but suddenly that social media became a distruction in a ways that other person judge you. Be aware on posting some information about yourself. Don't use the internet as your comfort zone because you don't even know other people who can read it. They use that things to make you down. Emotional bullying is the most things that you might experienced tip the internet."
By: Rose Ann Como
"First of all our discussion started on a joyful and funny moment and it is about Media Information Literacy. In that discussion it has been emphasized the significance of clear in sound understanding when it comes to information. It is because, here was shown how we can avoid social media. I couldn’t forget communication. It is necessary to be used properly and in a good way. Every activity or performance was mixed with happiness and we could easily reflect it in our daily lives, all the lessons that we tackled about Media Information Literacy.
We all have different tasks that we really need to perform. For others to fully understand. I became happier when all of us cooperated as one with our teacher’s discussion inside the classroom including Symposium, where we are given topics and what we’ve got was about cyber bullying. We have successfully discussed it to the Grade 10-12 students. I am happy and mindful because I’ve seen on our fellow students, that they’re learned a lot. Then we allowed them to view a video called MTV, here, we’ve shown what was happening at present. Those things which the youth need to avoid, especially most students, which was the bullying.
My whole experience here a MIL was more on the different ways we can avoid the consequences and disadvantage of social media .There were different types we learn from Media, which we could use on our daily lives. Here, it was fully shown, detailed information necessary to be planted on our minds for us to be able to avoid its negative impacts. The negative effects of the timely modern era of technology in the new society. Yes, it may say that technology causes easiness and instant if people will spearhead to use it in the good way.
I’ve learned a lot when it comes to giving information in MIL and I believe and I know that I as a recipient of it can share them to my fellow young individual and students."
By: Rose Ann Como
"Means being equal to everyone. It is a big factor of equality as a human. Human can treat everyone equal disregard of what your gender are. Free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without the limitations. Gender equality also means that the different behavior, aspiration and needs of women and men are considered, valued and favored equally. It does not mean that women and men have to become the same, but that their rights, responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on whether they are born male or female. It is the fairness of treatment for women and men according to their respective needs. It is also considered their rights, benefits, obligations and opportunities.
Now a days we are witnessing the gender equality. Here in or country, the gender matter especially in terms of the equality of both. We can defined gender equality when women and men enjoy the same rights and opportunities across all sector of society, including economic participation and decision making. It also a basic human right and a necessary condition for the elimination of poverty and attainment of national social and economic development.
Gender based inequalities have been presented in all societies. The widespread evil practices including gender based violence, unequal distribution of resources between men and women. Women trafficking and preference of a male child over a female child claim that gender equality is still a myth. According to Honore de Balzac “Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can even turn it into a fact”.
By: Rose Ann Como
"Republic Act 10627, or the Anti-Bullying Act, its aims to protect children enrolled in kindergarten, elementary and secondary schools and learning center from being bullied. Bullying used to be thought a play around hazard, perhaps even an essential rite of passage.
Mercifully times have changed and there
is increasing recognition that bullying can affect anyone, of whatever age, from childhood to adulthood and that it makes lives miserable and unpleasant. Bullying maybe defined as when an individual repeatedly and deliberately brings about harassment physically, mentally and emotionally towards another on a repetitive occurrence. As technology advance, the effect of bullying on individuals is growing concern with the ability to reach victims in their own homes via social media.
Bullying can lead the victim to depression without a support from someone that can help them, the victim will be done and feel afraid of speaking out. The major support for victims of bullying can be parents, teachers, friends and other siblings. Most of the times the adults help more than other children that see the victims are being bullied. A parent, teacher or school administrator can find out their child or teen is being a victim of bullying, a parent must speak out and try to find out what is going on in the school.
Bullying is wrong. It never okay. It never makes you look good by doing it. You always have a choice. Be the person that is smart enough and confident enough to be friends with everyone you meet. By doing so, you’re sending the message that you’re self-assured enough not to care what others may think."